Fact sheet

Fact sheet


Per­sons 1 per­son
Period of validity around the clock
Area of validity valid nationwide on local public transport
  • no ride sharing
  • available as app ticket or chip card
  • cancel monthly

Get it now:

The most important at a glance

Ready for unlimited mobility? Deutschlandticket is now available!
Order your Deutschlandticket für only € 49 (€ 58 from Ja­nu­ary 2025) per month and travel troughout Germany by public local transport climate friendly.

The paperless ticket comes as a subscription and can be canceled monthly.
Support your local dealer and get your ticket in the regional app of your choice.

  • valid always from first day of a month

Where to buy

Where can I buy the ticket?

Discover the other tickets in the VGN

Think the Deutschlandticket doesn't suit you? Check out the overview of all our current tickets and offers here, such as our new VGN eTarif egon for occasional riders or the Tagesticket Plus for a weekend trip with the whole family.


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