Bay­e­risches Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket for students

Fact sheet

Fact sheet

Fact sheet

PERSONS 1 per­son
Period of validity around the clock
Area of validity valid nationwide on local public transport
  • no ride sharing, non transferable
  • cancellation possible every month
Price € 38 per month

The »Bay­e­risches Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket« for students!

The »Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket« is a fully-fledged Deutschlandticket – only at a reduced price. With it, you can travel nationwide on local public transport for only 38 euros.

Students who are enrolled at one of the eligible universities in the VGN can use the »Bay­e­risches Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket« (»ermäßigtes Deutschlandticket«).

Buy the ticket

You can buy the ticket here

via the VGN online shop as an app ticket

via the app  »VGN Fahrplan & Tickets« as an app ticket

via the app »Nürn­bergMOBIL« as app ticket

Please note that your discount ticket can only be ordered until the 20th of the current month. In addition, your ticket can only be sent to you after it has been processed and is therefore not available immediately!


Travelling anywhere within Germany

The »Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket« is valid

  • Germany-wide on local public transport, 2nd class
  • in all trains and buses of the VGN (regional train R-Bahn R-Bahn, S-Bahn S-Bahn, underground trains U-Bahn, trams Tram and regional busses Bus)
  • in on-demand transport, e.g. the AST (»An­ruf­sam­mel­taxi«) (with corresponding surcharge)

The »Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket« is not valid

  • in 1st class
  • on trains subject to supplementary charges, e.g. IC or ICE (not even for a supplementary charge)
  • on long-distance buses
  • for dogs or bicycles

An identity document must be carried at all times during use.


All details at a glance

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The following universities are located within the VGN area and can order the discounted Deutschlandticket for their students by authentication via the university registration via the contract partner VAG Nürn­berg (exception: OTH Amberg/Weiden)

Universities marked with * do not offer university registrations for authorisation checks, which is why the completed verification form must be used when purchasing the ticket (as of 01.09.2023)


  • Friedrich-Alexander-Uni­ver­si­tät Erlangen-Nürn­berg


  • Technische Hoch­schu­le Nürn­berg Georg-Simon-Ohm
  • Evangelische Hoch­schu­le für angewandte Wissenschaften Nürn­berg
  • Hoch­schu­le für Musik Nürn­berg
  • Technische Uni­ver­si­tät Nürn­berg
  • Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürn­berg
  • Klinikum Nürn­berg Medical School (Paracelsus Medizinische Privat­uni­ver­si­tät)
  • FOM-Hoch­schu­le für Ökonomie und Management (Essen - Studienort Nürn­berg)*
  • In­ter­na­ti­o­nale Berufsakademie der F+U Un­ter­neh­mensgruppe gGmbH*
  • IU In­ter­na­ti­o­nale Hoch­schu­le Erfurt (location Nürn­berg)


  • SRH Wilhelm Löhe Hoch­schu­le (SRH WLH)*


  • Hoch­schu­le für angewandte Wissenschaften Ans­bach


  • Hoch­schu­le für angewandte Wissenschaften Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (Campus Triesdorf)


  • Theologische Hoch­schu­le der Evang.-Luth. Kirche in Bayern (Au­gustana-Hoch­schu­le)*


  • Otto-Friedrich-Uni­ver­si­tät Bam­berg
  • Fachhoch­schu­le des Mittelstands (FHM) GmbH*
  • SRH Hoch­schu­le für Gesundheit (Bam­berg)*


  • Uni­ver­si­tät Bayreuth (+ Campus Kulmbach)
  • Hoch­schu­le für evangelische Kirchenmusik Bayreuth*


  • Hoch­schu­le für angewandte Wissenschaften Coburg (+ Lucas-Cranach-Campus Kronach)
  • Uni­ver­si­tät Split School of Medicine (Authentication via REGIOMED-Kliniken in Coburg)*


  • Hoch­schu­le für angewandte Wissenschaften Hof
  • Hoch­schu­le für den öf­fent­lichen Dienst in Bayern*


  • Ostbay­e­rische Technische Hoch­schu­le (OTH)
    (Please note: The ordering takes place via Die Länderbahn GmbH, and not via the VAG Nürn­berg - More in­for­ma­ti­on)

The »Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket« for students must be ordered via the »VGN On­line­shop« or via the apps »VGN Fahrplan und Tickets« or »Nürn­bergMOBIL« until the 20th of the current month the latest. Depending on the selection made in the purchase process, the ticket is displayed via one of the two apps in any case.

Please note: Due to possible high demand, as well as the processing status of the order, the ticket may not be made available immediately upon purchase.

Since the Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket is a full-fledged Deutschlandticket at a reduced price, all students also receive 600 free mi­nu­tes per month for the VAG_Rad and 15 free mi­nu­tes for voi electric scooters when purchased through VAG, infra Fürth, ESTW and the VGN online shop or the VGN app. The free mi­nu­tes can be redeemed in the Nürn­bergMOBIL app.

The authorisation check is carried out autmatically during the purchasing process. In most cases the authentication by means of a university login (e.g. single sign-on login/Shibboleth) is used. In exceptional cases where the university does not provide a university login or Shibboleth login, the "Nach­weisformular zum bay­e­rischen Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket" can be used as proof of authorisation.

The following universities do not offer the university registration (as of: 01.09.2023)

  • FOM-Hoch­schu­le für Ökonomie und Management (Essen - location Nürn­berg)
  • In­ter­na­ti­o­nale Berufsakademie der F+U Un­ter­neh­mensgruppe gGmbH (Nürn­berg)
  • SRH Wilhelm Löhe Hoch­schu­le (SRH WLH Fürth)
  • Theologische Hoch­schu­le der Evang.-Luth. Kirche in Bayern (Au­gustana-Hoch­schu­le Neuendettelsau)
  • Fachhoch­schu­le des Mittelstands (FHM) GmbH (Bam­berg)
  • SRH Hoch­schu­le für Gesundheit (Bam­berg)
  • Hoch­schu­le für evangelische Kirchenmusik Bayreuth
  • Uni­ver­si­tät Split School of Medicine (Authorisation via REGIOMED-Kliniken in Coburg)
  • Hoch­schu­le für den öf­fent­lichen Dienst in Bayern (Hof/Sulzbach-Rosenberg/Kastl)

At some universities there are solidary se­mes­ter tickets (for example at the University of Bam­berg and the University of Bayreuth), which all students have paid for in advance with their se­mes­ter contribution. In this case, the se­mes­ter ticket price is credited in full to the price of the »Bay­e­risches Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket«, so that there is no double charge.

It is then possible to voluntarily buy a »Bay­e­risches Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket« as an »upgrade« to the existing se­mes­ter ticket.

The monthly surcharge is 29 euros (From Ja­nu­ary 2025: 38 euros) minus 1/6 of the se­mes­ter ticket price and is au­to­matically credited to your account when you buy it.

No, the change from a regular Deutschlandticket to a Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket is not au­to­matic.

If you have a regular Deutschlandticket, you must cancel it under the stan­dard conditions, i.e. no later than the 10th of the month at the end of the respective calendar month.

You can then order your Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket at a price of 29 euros (from Ja­nu­ary 2025: 38 euros). During the purchase process, your eligibility to purchase will be checked.

The subscription runs au­to­matically until the end of the winter se­mes­ter, but can be cancelled monthly. Cancellations must be made by the 10th of the month at the latest for the end of the respective calendar month. So, for example, you can cancel by the 10th of December for the end of December.

In the VGN online shop under »meinAbo«, you can cancel your subscription by clicking on the cancellation button next to the »Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket«.

The »Bay­e­rische Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket« is a »Deutschlandticket« discounted by the Free State of Bavaria.

Accordingly, the Bavarian Ministry of State has also determined who is entitled to the »Er­mä­ßi­gungsticket«.

Pupils are currently excluded from this eligibility group. The extent to which there will be a solution for pupils in the near future is a matter for the Free State of Bavaria to decide.

At FAU Erlangen-Nürn­berg, TH Nürn­berg, EvHN and HfM Nürn­berg, there was a se­mes­ter ticket until the summer se­mes­ter 2023 consisting of a basic ticket and an additional ticket. This was discontinued for the winter se­mes­ter 2023/24 by decision of the student representatives and the Stu­die­rendenwerk Erlangen-Nürn­berg.

A reintroduction of the basic ticket is possible with several months' notice at the start of each se­mes­ter if the contractual partners agree.


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