9 a.m. Annual ticket (»9-Uhr-JahresAbo«)

Fact sheet

Fact sheet

Fact sheet

Per­sons 1 per­son
Period of validity 12 months, choose which calendar month to start
Not valid before 9 a.m. on weekdays!
Ride sharing no
transferable no
Ver­bund­pass / Zo­nen­karte Network pass required
Further details

Available for Nürn­berg-Fürth-Stein (price level A) and Fürth (price level B)
Starts on the first of every month
Terminable monthly

Choose your Contract Partner:

Where to buy

We recommend to buy your ticket online. You can order a network pass too and will get your ticket sent by post.

You can choose the on­line­shop:

You may also come to our service centers. We'll help you to get the right ticket and network pass. Please don't forget to bring along your passport and an actual passport photograph.

If you want, you can send the filled out form and passport photograph to one of the service centres (address on the form).

Fares overview

Compare the 9 a.m. Annual ticket (»9-Uhr-JahresAbo«) with the Annual ticket (»JahresAbo«) without time restrictions:

If you are travelling before 9 a.m. more often: Annual ticket (»JahresAbo«) without time restrictions.

9 a.m. Annual ticket
9 a.m. Annual ticket
Annual ticket
Annual ticket
Per­sons 11
Period of validity 12 months12 months
 Price per monthPrice per month
A 46,90 €76,90 €
B 30,00 €63,10 €
C 29,70 €51,40 €
D 26,00 €41,80 €
E 22,60 €36,90 €
F 18,20 €29,60 €
Short distance ride 
1 26,00 €41,80 €
2 43,20 €70,50 €
2+T 61,10 €84,10 €
3 93,90 €
3+T 110,90 €
4 120,90 €
4+T 130,20 €
5 97,30 €141,60 €
5+T 151,50 €
6 158,90 €
6+T 173,50 €
7 186,00 €
7+T 199,30 €
8 117,30 €212,60 €
8+T 223,70 €
9 236,80 €
9+T 248,10 €
10 262,10 €
10+T 281,50 €
No travelling before 9 a.m. on weekdays
Document Network pass



Cancellations are possible each month. After the first year of your subscription you can cancel without any restriction. In case of an earlier cancellation (first year), you have to pay the price of the 31-day ticket (»Solo 31«) for the months in which you have used the ticket.

Unless you do not notify us of a change, we'll send you your new ticket each year.


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