4-trip ticket (»4er-Ticket«)

Fact sheet

Fact sheet

Fact sheet

Per­sons 1 per­son
Period of validity four single rides combined in one ticket
travel 60 mi­nu­tes in one direction (price level A: 90 mi­nu­tes)
Ride sharing no
transferable no
Ver­bund­pass / Zo­nen­karte not necessary
Further Details
  • for travelling within local city traffics
  • stamp one strip per per­son and trip
  • change at any connecting point (except short distance rides)
  • interrupt the journey as often as you like (except short distance rides)
  • available for adults and children

Cities and areas you can travel with the 4-trip ticket:

price level area period of validity
A Nürn­berg-Fürth-Stein 90 mi­nu­tes
B Fürth 60 mi­nu­tes
C Erlangen 60 mi­nu­tes
D Amberg, Ans­bach, Bam­berg, Bayreuth, Forch­heim, Hof, Neumarkt, Schwabach, Sulzbach-Rosenberg 60 mi­nu­tes
E Coburg, Kronach 60 mi­nu­tes 
F Auerbach, Dinkelsbühl, Feucht­wangen, Gun­zen­hau­sen, Hers­bruck, Herzogen­aurach, Hirschaid, Kulmbach, Lauf a. d. Pegnitz, Lichten­fels, Rothen­burg o. d. Tauber, Rödental, Treucht­lingen, Wei­ßen­burg 60 mi­nu­tes
Short distance rides ("Kurz­strecke") only within A (Nürn­berg-Fürth-Stein) und B (Fürth) 60 mi­nu­tes
1 Region. Travelling within 1 fare zone. 60 mi­nu­tes

If you want to travel the region or from city to city, the 10-strip ticket is the right choice.

Where to buy

Where to buy:

The 4-trip ticket is available at ticket vending machines, the bus driver, sales points and of course online.

Local city traffics A–F in the entire VGN-area (© VGN GmbH)


Fares overview

4-trip ticket
4-trip ticket
Per­sons 1 adult1 child / bike
Period of validity 4 rides4 rides
A 13,90 €6,90 €
B 11,70 €5,90 €
C 10,40 €5,20 €
D 8,60 €4,30 €
E 7,40 €3,70 €
F 6,30 €3,10 €
Short distance ride 7,20 €3,60 €
1 8,60 €4,30 €


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