Fact sheet

Fact sheet

Fact sheet

Per­sons 1 per­son
Period of validity
  • the whole year
Ride sharing no
transferable no
Ver­bund­pass / Zo­nen­karte Ver­bund­pass Schüler und Aus­zu­bil­den­de required (from 15 years confirmation of school or training centre required)


Not only for the way to school or training centre, but also in your free time or holidays you are ready to start every day.

All VGN means of transport in the entire network area can be used: as often as you like on 365 days, for the equivalent of - believe it or not - only 1 € per day!

To purchase the 365-Euro-Ticket VGN, you need the free »Ver­bund­pass Schüler und Aus­zu­bil­den­de«. Without this proof of entitlement, the ticket is invalid.

Please check whether you are entitled to the »Ver­bund­pass Schüler und Aus­zu­bil­den­de«.


The 365-Euro-Ticket VGN is valid

The 365-Euro-Ticket VGN is not valid

  • in first class,
  • in trains subject to a surcharge, e.g. IC or ICE (also not subject to a surcharge)
  • in long-distance buses,
  • for dogs and bikes.

Where to get?

You will receive the 365-Euro-Ticket VGN

Who can buy?

Who can buy the 365-Euro-Ticket VGN

 1. children and adolescents of school age up to the age of 15 (= 15th birthday)
After the age of 15 (= 15th birthday) the following group of entitled per­sons applies (numbers 2 to 9):

2. pupils of public, state-approved or state-recognised private schools of general education, vocational schools, institutions of second chance education Attention: Pupils of administrative academies, adult education centres or rural adult education centres are not eligible.

3. per­sons attending private schools or other private educational institutions not covered by No. 2, provided that they are exempted from compulsory vocational schooling on account of attending these schools or educational institutions, or provided that attending these schools and other private educational institutions is eligible for support under the Federal Training Assistance Act.

4. per­sons who attend courses at an adult education centre or other institution of further education for the subsequent acquisition of the secondary modern school leaving certificate or secondary modern school leaving certificate

5. per­sons who are in a vocational training relationship within the meaning of the Vocational Training Act or in another contractual relationship within the meaning of Section 26 of the Vocational Training Act, as well as per­sons who are being trained in an institution outside of in-company vocational training within the meaning of Section 43 (2) of the Vocational Training Act, Section 36 (2) of the Crafts Code.

6. per­sons who attend a state-recognised preparatory vocational training course (no further vocational training measures, reintegration measures, integration or language courses)

7. trainees and volunteers, provided that the completion of a traineeship or voluntary service before, during or after a state-regulated training course is provided for under the provisions applicable to training.

8. candidates for appointment as civil servants in the lower and middle classes, trainees and per­sons who, by attending a course in the administration, must first acquire the qualifications required for admission as candidates for appointment as civil servants in the lower and middle classes, provided that they do not receive reimbursement of travel expenses from the administration

9. participants in a voluntary social year or in a voluntary ecological year, in the Federal Voluntary Service or comparable social services


For pupils with free travel to school

  • If the cost unit provides eligible students with the 365-Euro-Ticket VGN, they will au­to­matically receive the annual ticket (in 12 sections) via their school from 1 Sep­tem­ber onwards instead of the previous tokens,
  • always valid from 1 Sep­tem­ber to 31 Au­gust of the following year.


For self-payers

Trainees & students can buy the annual ticket (single ticket) for 12 consecutive months, the first month of validity is freely selectable.

Who cannot buy?

Who cannot buy the 365-Euro-Ticket VGN

  • Students who are enrolled at a university,
  • trainees and volunteers, provided that the completion of a traineeship or voluntary service before, during or after a course of study at a higher education institution is provided for in accordance with the provisions applicable to the course of study
Be­stell­schein Ver­bund­pass Schülerinnen, Schüler und Aus­zu­bil­den­de zum He­run­ter­la­den
Für die Neu­aus­stel­lung, Er­satz­aus­stel­lung, Ver­län­ge­rung von Verbundpässen als Be­rech­ti­gung für Schü­ler­wert­mar­ken und das 365-Euro-Ticket VGN. (© VGN GmbH)
VGN-Tickets für Schülerinnen und Schüler
365-Euro-Ticket VGN, Wert­mar­ken und Infos zum Ver­bund­pass in VGN smaxi. (© VGN GmbH)

If you do not have a HandyTicket, you will not be replaced because the ticket is not per­sonalized.

Note: In the app »VGN Fahrplan & Tickets« you can buy the 365-Euro-Ticket VGN as a HandyTicket and you can't lose it. It can be downloaded again and again.

In the event of proven departure from the VGN area, costs can be reimbursed on a pro rata basis upon request. Refund of 1€ per calendar day not used.

  1. define a means of payment in your account (e.g. SEPA, PayPal or credit card) via the settings of your account
  2. select the 365€ for students from the ticket shop
  3. add your child as an additional driver and select him or her under »Who should drive with this ticket?«
  4. carry out the purchase procedure.
  5. after the purchase process is completed, go to the settings of your account. (either via the menu or the head symbol)
  6. select »Means of payment« from the list Remove the previously created means of payment (tap on Means of payment → »remove«).
  7. the purchased ticket remains and can be used further on.
    To purchase new tickets, a new means of payment must be created or entered during the purchase.


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