10-strip ticket (»10er-Strei­fen­kar­te«)

Fact sheet

Fact sheet

Fact sheet

Per­sons 1 per­son
Period of validity 1–5 trips in one ticket according to price level
period of validity according to price level
Ride sharing no
transferable no
Ver­bund­pass / Zo­nen­karte not necessary
Further Details
  • for travelling the region or from city to city: price level 2–10
  • stamp at least 2, up to 10 strips (according to the price level)
  • change at any connecting point
  • interrupt the journey as often as you like
  • travel in one direction only
  • available for adults and children


Terms & Conditions

Please note that every passenger has to stamp at least 2 strips at the ticket stamping machine. The amount of strips to be stamped depends on the price level.

Example: The connection Nürn­berg-Erlangen is price level 4. This means one passenger has to cancel 4 strips.

For travelling within 1 zone and for travelling within local city traffics (price level A–F) please use the 4-trip ticket. Enter your connection here, the price level will be displayed.

The period of validity depends on the amount of strips to be stamped (= of the price level):

price level Area Period of validity
2 Travelling within 2 fare zones. 90 mi­nu­tes
3–5 Travelling within 3, 4 or 5 fare zones. 180 mi­nu­tes
6–10 Travelling within 6 or more fare zones. 360 mi­nu­tes



Adults: 15,60 €, Children: 7,80 €  (usable for bicycles or dogs as well)

Where to buy:

The 10-strip ticket is available at ticket vending machines, the bus driver (not in the local city traffics of Nürn­berg, Fürth, Erlangen, Schwabach, Bam­berg), sales points and of course online.


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