Fact sheet

Fact sheet

Information about the hiking tour

Topic Bierwanderung
Area Fränkische Schweiz
Lines 229
Distance ca. 18 km
Duration 2 - 4 hrs.
Level many stop offs, suited for strollers


Elevation in meters, Distance in km
Information about the hiking tour

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Beer culture times five! The Fünf-Seidla-Steig® leads to five private breweries through picturesque forest and meadow landscapes in Franconian Switzerland and has long since achieved cult status. It can be reached by the Gräfenbergbahn RB 21 from Nuremberg in just 40 mi­nu­tes!

 With a stamp card (available from the breweries), the Fünf-Seidla-Steig® stein can be purchased at a reduced price at the end of the hike. The brewmasters and hosts look forward to your visit!

High­lights of the tour include

  •  greenMONKey at the Weißenohe monastery brewery
  • Naturally cloudy Sigi's Lager at the Friedmann brewery in Gräfenberg
  • Amber-colored Franconian full beer from the Lindenbräu brewery in Gräfenberg
  • Hofmann's Tropfen from the Hofmann brewery in Hohenschwärz
  • Excellent dark beer at Gasthof Seitz - Elch-Bräu in Thuisbrunn

Info in advance:

  • There are access and exit options along the route, for example via the VGN leisure line Trubachtal-Express 229
  • Important rules and tips at fuenf-seidla-steig.de
  • At peak times, e.g. Father's Day, Easter, Pentecost, busses may be very full; groups of 6 or more people should register their travel request with the responsible transport company: https://schmetterlingreisen.com/index.php/linienverkehr/gruppenan­mel­dungen
  • With a stamp card available from the breweries, you can purchase the Fünf-Seidla-Steig® stein at a reduced price at the end of the tour
  • For groups of 10 people or more, the breweries ask for reservation
  • Further in­for­ma­ti­on and tips can be found at fuenf-seidla-steig.de

For optimal planning of your tour, please note the current opening hours of the breweries and the Fünf-Seidla-Steig® rules under “Tips”. For groups of 10 people or more, please register with the breweries. Further in­for­ma­ti­on can also be found at: www.fuenf-seidla-steig.de

Beery adventure trail - How does life get into beer?

At four sta­ti­ons, the Fünf-Seidla-Steig master brewers explain the individual steps in beer production on in­for­ma­ti­on boards and provide insights into a brewing day. The importance and origin of the regional raw materials is explained - and what defines a good Franconian beer. Interactive elements also provide further in­for­ma­ti­on about beer and brewing culture.

Fünf-Seidla-Steig Karte
(© VGN GmbH)
Five-Seidla-Trail: The breweries (derlandweg © derlandweg)

The breweries publish additional in­for­ma­ti­on on the homepage under “current in­for­ma­ti­on“.

Buslinie 226
Gößweinstein - Bieberbach - Egloffstein - Gräfenberg

Info: The bus line 226 operates partly as collective cab service and on-call bus

Buslinie 229
Trubachtal-Express Gräfenberg - Egloffstein - Obertrubach - Gößweinstein



Route options:

  • Long-distance hike (10 km)

The approximately 10 km long route runs from Weißenohe to Thuisbrunn in an easy direction with the Frankenweg Frankenweg signpost and its own Fünf-Seidla-Steig signposts.


  • Round tour (18 or 20 km)

The approximately 18 km long circular tour leads either from/to Gräfenberg sta­ti­on or 20 km from/to Weißenhohe sta­ti­on.

Signpost on the way there:  Frankenweg Frankenweg  (Franconian Trail)

Signpost on the return: Fünf-Seidla-Steig logo (green)


  • Start in Egloffstein (+ 3 km)

From Gräfenberg sta­ti­on, take the VGN leisure line Trubachtal-Express 229 or the line 226 to Egloffstein (Talstraße). From there, continue straight on along the road in the direction of travel and then take the Frankenweg   Frankenweg through the Todsfeldtal valley to Thuisbrunn. After the first refreshment stop (Elchbräu), the route is mainly downhill to Weißenohe. From here, the Gräfenbergbahn RB 21 runs every hour back to Nuremberg. Al­ter­na­ti­vely, you can end the tour in Gräfenberg.

view into the distance (Tobias Zuber © Tobias Zuber)

Route hike: Weißenohe - Thuisbrunn

 The route starts at Weißenohe sta­ti­on, which can be reached in under 40 mi­nu­tes on the Gräfenbergbahn from Nuremberg Nordostbahn­hof.

The route follows the Fünf-Seidla-Steig® trail markings - directly to the first Seidla (half a liter of beer) in the Weißenohe monastery brewer. Cross the B2 towards the town center and enter the monastery beer garden.

Weissenohe Bahn­hof
Aus­gangs­punkt der Wan­de­rung

Weißenohe monastery brewery

The monastery brewery dates back to the former Benedictine monastery of St. Boniface in Weißenohe.

The brewery and pub have been family-owned since 1827. The monastic brewing tradition is continued in the production of craft-brewed, strong beer specialties. There are traditional Franconian beers such as Zwickel Pils as well as seasonal beers and specialties such as the cold-hopped greenMONKey.

Source: klosterbrauerei-weissenohe.de

Continue up through the village along the Frankenweg trail until you reach Mönchsbergstraße. Shortly before the end of the road, leave the Frankenweg to the left into a field path and through a hollow path up to the Mönchsleite, to the 1st sta­ti­on of the Beer Adventure Trail. There, turn half right into the forest and steeply uphill - at the top you meet the Frankenweg again and follow it to Gräfenberg.


After the 2nd in­for­ma­ti­on board at Pringyplatz, the second and third Seidla awaits you at two traditional breweries: the Friedmann brewery with the Bergschlösschen beer garden and Bräustüberl and the Lindenbräu brewery with inn.

On the way to the "Bergschlösschen" (WA+VGN © WA+VGN)

Friedmann Brewery

The family brewery has been brewing specialty beers since 1875. Today they brew with a total of five employees and over 140 years of professional experience. Their naturally cloudy beer specialty: Sigi's Lager. This can be sampled in the old Franconian Bräustüberl on the edge of Gräfenberg's historic old town and in the Bergschlösschen beer garden.

Source: brauerei-friedmann.de

View to "Bier­gar­ten Bergschlösschen" (VGN © VGN GmbH)

Lindenbräu Brewery

The associated inn has been family-owned since 1900. The beer was brewed in the communal brewery until 1932 and since 1932 in the malt house and brewery built by Fritz von Brehmer, and from 1938 in the brewery's own malthouse, which is still in operation today - the brewery is run as a family business in the 3rd generation. Specialties include the amber-colored Franconian full beer and the naturally cloudy wheat beer.

Source: lindenbraeu.de

Continue to the next crossroads, then turn right and straight ahead up the lane. This leads uphill in a left-hand bend and brings you back to the Frankenweg Frankenweg.

 Via forest and meadow paths and the 3rd stop on the Beer Experience Trail, the route leads to the fourth Seidla in Hohenschwärz - at the Hofmann brewery inn.

Hofmann Brewery

Founded in 1897, the brewery is now in its 5th generation. In the wood-fired brewing kettle and with ingredients from the region, the beer specialty Hofmann's Tropfen or the traditional festival beer in winter is created. Traditional Franconian cuisine is served in the inn with beer garden.

Source: brauerei-hofmann.de

The last section of the Frankenweg trail leads through meadows and hedgerows via the 4th in­for­ma­ti­on board to the fifth and final Seidla in Thuisbrunn: the Thuisbrunner Elch-Bräu at Gasthof Seitz.

Gasthof Seitz: Elch-Bräu

Compared to the other breweries quite young: the Elch-Bräu brewery has been in existence since 2007. When many other small breweries closed down, the family founded a new brewery here - and with characteristic aromatic, naturally cloudy beers, ales and smoked beers. The pilsner and dark beer were awarded the European Beer Star. There are also fruit brandies and the much-praised “Torf vom Dorf” whiskey.

Source: www.gasthof-seitz.de

Fünf-Seidla-Steig®: Elch Bräu (VGN © VGN GmbH)

From Thuisbrunn, take bus line 226 or the VGN leisure line 229 back to the connections in the VGN area.

Fünf-Seidla-Steig®: Near to Thuisbrunn (VGN © VGN GmbH)

Addition to the circular hike

You can also complete the route on foot as a circular walk. To do this, take the same route out of Thuisbrunn, turn left at the crossroads after leaving the last houses and follow the signposts to the right at the top of the forest.

The circular route via Neusles is marked throughout and leads into the forest on the left after Neusles until you reach the entrance to Gräfenberg, where you rejoin the original route.

From Gräfenberg sta­ti­on, take the Gräfenbergbahn RB 21 back to Nuremberg. Al­ter­na­ti­vely, follow the circular route signposts back to the starting point in Weißenohe.

Brewery hiking trail Fünf-Seidla-Steig®:

We recommend the route described below. Of course, the Fünf-Seidla-Steig® is marked in both directions, partly using the signpost of the Frankenweg, so you can hike from anywhere in any direction. With the option of a return transfer, you can choose any starting point in the region for your hike.

The trail wardens involved make every effort to ensure that the Fünf-Seidla-Steig® is always fully marked. Please report missing markings or signposts and damage to markers to one of the breweries. The innkeepers will pass on the in­for­ma­ti­on.

Bierprobe im Bier­gar­ten Weißenohe (Afrika Kulturtage 2013) (Horst Badewitz © Horst Badewitz)
Weißenohe Bahn­hof

Please ask for current opening hours!


Bier­gar­ten zum Bergschlösschen

Am Michelsberg 37
91322 Gräfenberg
Phone: 0162 5890690

Brauerei - Gasthof Lindenbräu
Fam. Brehmer-Stockum

Am Bach 3
Phone: 09192 348
Spe­zi­a­li­täten: Bernsteinfarbenes (frän­kisches) Vollbier, naturtrübes
Weizen, „Fritzla“ (hopfenaromatisches, kaltgehopftes Kellerpils)

Brauerei Hofmann

Hohenschwärz 16
91322 Gräfenberg
Phone: 09192 251
Spe­zi­a­li­tät: Dunkle Hofmannstropfen

Friedmann’s Bräustüberl

Bayreuther Straße 14
91322 Gräfenberg
Phone: 09192 992318
Sommer- und Wintersaison un­ter­schied­lich, aktuelle Zeiten jeweils auf der Homepage unter www.fuenf-seidla-steig.de

Gasthof Seitz
Thuisbrunner Elch-Bräu

Thuisbrunn 11
91322 Gräfenberg
Phone: 09197 221
Spe­zi­a­li­täten: Pils (naturtrübes Kellerpils), Kellerbier dunkel


Klosterbrauerei Weißenohe

Klosterstraße 20
91367 Weißenohe
Phone: 09192 591 (Brauerei) or Tel: 09192 6357 oder 0176 10301489 (Wirtshaus und Biergarten)
Spe­zi­a­li­täten: Traditionell im gepichten Holzfass ausgebaute Biere
(Weißenoher Barrique), greenMONKey in drei Variationen
(kaltgehopfte frän­kische Biere)






The Fünf-Seidla-Steig stein

To commemorate your visit, the “Fünf-Seidla-Steig-Krug” was designed for you as a joint beer mug of the breweries with changing motifs. With a full stamp card, the mug can be purchased for just €7 (anniversary mug: €14) in one of the brewery inns.


The respective field is stamped when you stop off at one of our inns - even if you are not dining. You are welcome to spread your visit over several dates. Of course, you will also receive your “Fünf-Seidla-Steig-Krug” when an inn is closed or on vacation.

Stempelkarte 2024
(VGN © VGN GmbH)
(VGN © VGN GmbH)

Guided brewery tours

If you want to take a look inside the breweries, you can book a guided tour. However, there is always a lot going on in the family businesses - which is why the brewery tours usually take place by appointment. Everything about the brewery tours under: www.fuenf-seidla-steig.de/erleben-undplanen/brauereifuehrungen/

Fünf-Seidla-Steig® is a registered trademark of the breweries Elchbräu, Brauerei Hofmann, Lindenbräu, Brauerei Friedmann and Klosterbrauerei Weißenohe.

 Further in­for­ma­ti­on can be found at the Alt­stadtfreunde Gräfenberg: www.alt­stadtfreun.de. Project development and implementation: Regiopol; since 2010: Landweg


Der Frei­zeittipp in Bildern


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