Fact sheet

Fact sheet

Information about the hiking tour

Topic Weinwanderung, Aussichtspunkte
Area Steigerwald
Distance ca. 15,5 km
Duration 3,5 - 4,5 hrs.


Elevation in meters, Distance in km
Information about the hiking tour

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Easy walk to a beautiful part of the Franconian Wine-Country. Enjoy local wines and food at the "Weinnest".

Our hike starts at the train staion in Neustadt an der Aisch R1. Turn right and walk downwards to the railway underpass. Cross the underpass and turn left. Follow Gelbstrich. rotes Doppelkreuz helps us after approx. 1 km. Follow these signposts to the old castle "Burg Hoheneck". There you'll find signposts to "Ipsheim", our destination R81.

Weinberge in Franken (EN) (VGN © VGN GmbH)



Wan­der­kar­te "Höhenwege und Weinberge im Oberen Aischtal" – Weinwan­de­rung: Neustadt an der Aisch – (Dietersheim) – Burg Hoheneck – Ipsheim

Getting there

Getting there

Go to "Neustadt / Aisch" by R1 trains. The time of travel is approx. 30 mi­nu­tes (when starting in Nürn­berg). VGN-Ticket recommendation: All day ticket plus (»TagesTicket Plus«).

Neustadt an der Aisch Bahn­hof
Starting point
Ipsheim Bahn­hof

Food and Drinks

Food and Drinks

We recommend to visit the "Weinnest (Bewirtungshaus)", wine-tasting facility. There you'll get an impression about local grown wines. Enjoy a typical "Weinbrotzeit" (bread, cheese and grapes). Please check the actual opening hours (usually May to October on Saturdays from 1 p.m., Sundays and public holidays from 11 a.m.)!

Bewirtungshaus des Weinbauvereins Ipsheim

An Sams­tagen startet die Bewirtung um 13 Uhr, an den Sonn- und Fei­er­tagen um 11 Uhr.


Der Frei­zeittipp in Bildern


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