Fact sheet

Fact sheet

Information about the city guide

Area Romantisches Franken



With its splendid location and charming medieval atmosphere, Rothen­burg ob der Tauber located on the famous Romantic Road, Germany, stands as a world-famous relic of the lovely architecture of a bygone era. 800 years of history can be explored in the neat medieval town.

The silhouette of gate and defense towers conveys the aura of a fairy tale. As you enter through one of the old gates, you will immediately feel secure within the time-honored walls of this romantic place. As you pass along, you will notice some breathtaking romantic scenery over the roofs of the old town, its enchanted alleys, the magnificent mansions, and the idyllic valley, where the river Tauber peacefully meanders through the wonderful nature.

In the Romantic era, the town was discovered by painters and poets and became a symbol of the Middle Ages in Germany. Nowadays Rothen­burg - situated half the way between the in­ter­na­ti­o­nal airports of Frankfurt and Munich - is one of the most visited towns in Europe. It´s richness of old medieval buildings and museums explains Rothen­burg`s reputation as one of the most attractive destinations in Germany.

However, Rothen­burg ob der Tauber is not merely the epitome of medieval romance, but also a haven away from the hectic 9-to-5 routine. Strolling through the lantern-lighted alleys with the night watchman, guests are immersed in an enchanting atmosphere. Local festivals, theater, and music events as well as a wide range of hospitality offerings guarantee a pleasant, colorful stay. 

Rothen­burg is worth a visit all year round!

Rothen­burg Tourismus Service

Markt­platz 2
91541 Rothen­burg ob der Tauber
Phone: 09861 404800
Fax: 09861 404529
Öffn­ungs­zeiten: April–Ok­to­ber und während des Weih­nachts­markts: Mo.–Fr. v. 9 –18 Uhr; Sa., So. u. Fei­er­tage v. 10–17 Uhr Ja­nu­ar–März und No­vem­ber: Mo.–Fr. v. 9–17 Uhr, Sa. v. 10–13 Uhr, So. geschlossen



Stadt­plan Rothen­burg

A. Town Hall (Rathaus)

B. Councillor's Tavern (Tourist In­for­ma­ti­on)

C. St.-Jakob's church

D. Weißer Turm

E. Röderbogen und Markusturm

F. Alt-Rothen­burger Handwerkerhaus

G. St. John's church

H. Puppen- und Spielzeugmuseum

I. Fountain (Georgsbrunnen)

J. History Museum with Town Dungeon (Historiengewölbe)

K. Franciscan church

L. Castle Gate (Burgtor)

M. Castle Gardens (Burggarten)

N. Medieval Crime Museum (Mittelalterliches Kriminalmuseum)

O. Imperial Town Museum (Reichsstadtmuseum)

P. Klingenbastei und Wolfgangskirche mit Schäfertanzkabinett

Q. Gallows Gate (Galgentor)

R. Röder Gate (Rödertor)

S. Gerlachschmiede

T. Little square, (Plönlein und Siebersturm)

U. Kobolzell Gate (Kobolzeller Tor)

V. Reichsstadthalle

W. Spitalbastei

X. Christmas Museum (Deutsches Weihnachtsmuseum)

Y. Doppelbrücke und Kobolzeller Kirche

Z. Little Castle (Topplerschlösschen)

Getting there

Getting there

Rothen­burg ob der Tauber Bahn­hof
To Rothen­burg
Rothen­burg ob der Tauber Bahn­hof
From Rothen­burg


Der Frei­zeittipp in Bildern


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