Fact sheet

Fact sheet

Information about the city guide

Area Städteregion Nürnberg
Lines S1 U1
Duration ca. 1 day


Elevation in meters, Distance in km
Information about the city guide

GPS-Track Download

GPX / Garmin Tour.gpx
Google Earth Tour.kml



With over 2.000 monuments, Fürth has more monuments than any other town in Bavaria. A walk through town will take you through the architectural history of Fürth: The old town was destroyed in the Thirty Years’ War and later rebuilt with its small town character, to the big city atmosphere of Art Nouveau and Gründerzeit-era buildings.

Fürth has a picture of a clover leaf in its coat of arms. Many tales surround this image: Is it a symbol of the town’s history?



Fürth Haupt­bahn­hof
Mit dem VGN nach Fürth

Places of interest:

  1. Centaur Fountain
  2. Fürther Freiheit
  3. Paradise Fountain
  4. Hornschuchpromenade und Königswartstraße
  5. Municipal Theatre
  6. Jewish Museum Franconia, www.juedisches-museum.org
  7. City Hall & Museum of Crime, www.kriminalmuseum-fuerth.de
  8. Gustavstraße
  9. St. Michaels Church, www.michelskirche.de
  10. Green Market & Jugglers Fountain
  11. Old Jewish Cemetery
  12. The quarter behind the city hall
  13. Ludwig Erhard Municipal Museum, www.stadtmuseum-fuerth.de
  14. Berolzheimerianum, www.comoedie.de
  15. Logenhaus der Freimaurerloge
  16. Castle of Burgfarrnbach, www.schloss-burgfarrnbach.de
Gustavstraße (EN) (Erich Malter © Erich Malter)

Getting there

Getting there

Go to all sta­ti­ons with just one VGN-Ticket (price level B). If your starting point is Nürn­berg it is price level A.

Network map Fürth – Valid from 10.12.2023

Journey Planner:

Fürth Rathaus
To Fürth City Centre
Fürth Rathaus


Impressionen aus der Kleeblattstadt


Der Frei­zeittipp in Bildern


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