Fact sheet

Fact sheet

Information about the city guide

Area Weltkulturerbe Bamberg
Lines S1
Duration ca. 1 day


Elevation in meters, Distance in km
Information about the city guide

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Bam­berg is a work of art that has been in progress for a thousand years but which is as alive and youthful as ever! Experience Bam­berg in all its glory!

The many faces of this UNESCO World Heritage City are perhaps what fascinate visitors the most. The "City on the Hills" represents Franconia's answer to Rome, the "Island City" is its pulsating heart. The "Market Gardeners' District" is a unique urban landmark characterised by large expanses of land and charming houses so typical for this quarter.

Bam­berg has been an "episcopal town" for a thousand years, whilst the "shop­ping town" invites you to browse through the many modern and trendy shops in an historical setting. Every winter Bam­berg is transformed into a "nativity town" full of enchantment - romance is in the air all year round amidst the splendour of the "baroque town" of Bam­berg. The "cultural city" has in­ter­na­ti­o­nal acclaim through the world-famous Bam­berg Symphony Orchestra.



Karte Bam­berg

Market Gardeners' District

E2 St. Gangolf

D1 St. Otto

E2 Gärtner- und Häckermuseum

Island City

D4 Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall)

D4 Samm­lung Ludwig

D4 Rathaus Schloss Geyerswörth

C4 Klein Venedig

D3 Maximiliansplatz

D3 St. Martin

D3 Naturkundemuseum

E4 Villa Dessauer

D5 E.T.A.-Hoffmann-Haus

City on the Hills


B3 St. Michael

B4 Frän­kisches Brau­e­rei­mu­se­um

A4 St. Getreu

A4 Villa Remeis


B4 St. Jakob


C4 Dom

B4 Alte Hofhaltung

C4 Diözesanmuseum

C4 His­to­risches Museum

C4 Neue Residenz mit Staatsbibliothek und Rosengarten

C4 St. Elisabeth im Sand

C4 Bam­berger Krippenmuseum

B5 Maternkapelle


C5 Karmelitenkloster

C5 Obere Pfarre


C5 St. Stephan

C5 Böttingerhaus

D5 Villa Concordia


A6 Altenburg

Getting there

Getting there

Go to Bam­berg Main Sta­ti­on by S1 or R2/S1 trains. Walk to city centre or use local services. Travel time and fare, when starting in Nürn­berg: 40-60 min / price level 10.

Schienennetz Ge­samt­raum – Gültig ab 15.12.2023 - Stand: No­vem­ber 2024

Journey Planner:

Bam­berg ZOB
To Bam­berg City Centre
Bam­berg ZOB
From Bam­berg CIty Centre

Tourismus & Kongress Service

Geyerswörthstraße 5
96047 Bam­berg
Phone: 0951 2976-200


Der Frei­zeittipp in Bildern


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